Cuban Salsa (Rueda de Casino)
Wednesdays from 6.30pm
Cuban Salsa (Rueda de Casino)
Level 1 : For absolute beginners. No need to worry if it's your first time. A great introduction.
Level 2 : Building on the basics, you'll stay in level 2 for while until you are confident social dancing the basics.
Level 3 : Our highest social level. More complex and technical patterns, still great for the social floor.
Level 4 : Invitational - challenge yourself!
A Bit of Salsa Casino Style History
Cuban salsa or casino is a type of salsa that was developed in recreation center of Havana in the 1950s. A group of young people decided to create their own type of salsa, with specific moves danced in partners in a large circle, or a Rueda.
Cuban salsa is not danced in a back-and-forth motion like most forms of salsa, but rather in an endless circle, with partners twirling and stepping around one another in a merry-go-round fashion.
The beauty of Cuban salsa is that you can jump into a group of ten dancers, all from different countries, none of whom you know, and together, instantly create a beautiful, synchronized dance choreography.
Student Performance Team Videos

J.R.D.A. Salsa Performance Videos
West Coast Swing Training Videos